Tag: networking

October 4, 2017

The Dos and Don’ts of Building Business Relationships

In business, as in life, building relationships is key. No matter how talented you are or what service you provide, if your customers don’t like you or, worse, don’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far. Networking is a critical part of advancing your career, but making contacts will only serve you if you can foster them into fruitful business relationships.   DOs   Be Prepared   Whenever you’re meeting with a client or a connection, especially a […]

July 19, 2017

6 Surefire Tips to Help You Remember Names

Think you’re terrible at remembering names? You’re not alone. Studies have shown that people have an easier time remembering almost any other detail about people, including what they do and where they’re from. Scientists think this might be because names, in themselves, aren’t particularly meaningful, but as anyone who’s ever forgotten the name of an important business contact will tell you, they are important. Remembering people’s names is a simple but powerful indicator to others of how important they are […]

June 7, 2017

How to Always Make a Good First Impression

Studies have shown that first impressions last. That’s why it’s important to be sure people’s first impressions of you are good. And if you only have one chance to do it right, it pays to do everything you can to improve your odds. In business, a first impression can decide whether or not you get that new job, or it could help a customer choose whether they’ll buy from you or not. A poor first impression could cost you money […]

January 13, 2017

7 Things the Best Sales Professionals Do Every Single Day

7 Things the Best Sales Professionals Do Every Single Day

Sales can be an extremely rewarding and lucrative profession. In order to reach that stage in your career, think about the things the best sales professionals do and emulate them in your daily work. Here are some things they do every day to be masters of their careers. They create goals and persist until they reach them When the best sales professionals set a goal, they commit 100 percent to achieving that goal. Then, they don’t stop until they do […]

December 9, 2016

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch

A Starter’s Guide to the Perfect Elevator Pitch Cydcor

If you know what an elevator pitch is, you probably think of it as something only businesspeople use. In reality, it can be applied to many different fields. An elevator pitch is everything you need to say to impress your potential customer in 30 seconds or fewer—about the amount of time it would take to travel a few floors in an elevator. It’s also the perfect opportunity to showcase your uniqueness. The elevator pitch is a crucial tool for sales […]

July 22, 2016

Best Practices for Using Twitter for Networking

Twitter was created to build social networks, support conversations and increase engagement between individuals and communities. A successful Twitter strategy requires your full participation. You need to do more than share stories about your company, product or service. A successful Twitter strategy requires that you share messages that matter. At Cydcor, we value communication skills and encourage our employees and sales associates to always tell engaging stories. Use your Twitter account to share news about your company and a bit […]

April 15, 2016

Opportunities for Finding New Clients Are Everywhere

Think about how many interactions with other people you have each day: ordering your coffee, chatting with a stranger over lunch, or meeting people on a bus on your way back home. Each interaction represents an opportunity to turn a stranger into a customer. At Cydcor, we believe that networking is crucial for finding new contacts. Here are some tips for turning connections into customers. Refine and Memorize Your Elevator Pitch The function of an elevator pitch is to communicate […]

November 13, 2015

How to Recognize a Good Opportunity

You might not recognize opportunity when you find it: there are no sirens or flashing lights. No one is going to take you by the hand and lead you to it. As an adult engaged in your career, you’re responsible for finding and accepting any and all of the opportunities that you encounter. Recognizing opportunity isn’t a magical talent that requires an expensive education—you can build the necessary skills, though it will take effort and education. You must commit to […]

November 5, 2015

Stars Earn Recognition By Exceeding Expectations

In order to shine bright as a star in your workplace, you must establish a set of goals and not only achieve them but exceed them. A star never lets obstacles get in their way. The first step to stardom requires an attitude adjustment. Start by examining your outlook about work to see if you’re being influenced by negative thoughts. Rethink your negatives and turn them into positives. That’s how you ignite your spark and shine like the star. A […]

August 5, 2015

Master Small Talk and Do Big Things

Even if you’ve been born with a friendly personality, you may find yourself stuck when you’re in a situation that requires you to start a casual conversation. If you’re a naturally quiet person, these social situations might be uncomfortable experiences. When you’re nervous you lose your confidence and find it difficult to focus. Follow these suggestions and learn how to turn small talk into a new skill! Don’t Just Say Hello! Saying hello is a standard introduction during a social […]