Tag: Professional

September 14, 2016

8 Major Keys to Professional Success

As a professional, you’re judged by your actions, abilities, results and your attire. Your job is to represent your company and clients to the best of your ability. Cydcor prides itself in being able to set-up its employees for success, and earn their way to the top. To get the respect of both your peers and clients, there are some major key strategies to follow. The following major keys are perfect for any entrepreneur who wants to do better. Communicate […]

December 18, 2015

The Three D’s of Leadership

Who is the best leader you’ve ever known? What qualities do you think made them successful? At Cydcor, our idea of a leader is someone who can create a vision of the future, express that vision well, and use it to motivate people. Building a team, providing coaching, and setting clear expectations are some of the things leaders need to be really good at in order for the team to work effectively. Leaders also need to master three key qualities […]

December 4, 2015

Utilize Body Language to Improve Your Professional Performance

Becoming fluent in body language empowers you to make a lasting impression on colleagues and supervisors Your conversation begins when you enter the room—before you begin to speak. Your body expresses your moods and, depending on your awareness of how your body talks, you will communicate confidence or fear. Fortunately for you, it’s possible to learn to communicate confidence nonverbally. Practice makes perfect. Strategies for controlling nonverbal communication are easy to learn and fun to practice. Don’t be afraid to […]

November 20, 2015

10 Terrific TED Talks to Improve Your Sales and Business Skills

TED Talks will improve your understanding of a complex concept or help you to master new skills. Humor, imagination, and authentic emotion energize these talks and guarantee your engagement. TED wants to change your life. It’s that simple. This popular nonprofit was launched in 1984 as a conference exploring the convergence of Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED). TED Talks offer viewers a glimpse into the workings of some of the leading minds in the world today. The problem with such […]

June 25, 2015

Creating a Resume in 2015

The leading provider of outsourced sales teams, Cydcor is dedicated to helping business professionals worldwide reach success. Choosing the right words is key to creating a successful resume in 2015. But even before a hiring manager sees your resume, an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) could reject it. It’s estimated that nearly 75% of applicant resumes don’t make it through this automated scanning process. At Cydcor, we value all resumes that have been written well, and showcase the experience we’re looking for. […]

May 14, 2015

Cydcor Reviews Winning: The Ultimate Business How-To Book

Since retiring from General Electric in 2001, Jack Welch has stayed busy. Welch led the company for forty years, challenging the competition and learning the best ways to run a large company successfully. With Winning, Welch has written the bible of business, examining the answers to the most difficult challenges people run into on the job and in their personal lives. Welch’s words speak to people at every level of business, no matter the size of the company or the […]

April 10, 2015

Cydcor Reviews ‘The Hard Things About Hard Things’

About The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz Hard Things is Ben Horowitz’s guide to things you don’t typically learn in business school. Most of this book is a summary of practical wisdom about handling the hardest problems related to starting a business. It may be exciting to jump into the business world, but it is difficult as well. Horowitz analyzes the different kinds of problems that leaders deal […]

March 28, 2014

10 Ways to Build Trust

Cydcor how to build trust

As a leader in outsourced sales, Cydcor knows how to create winning relationships with clients. Building trust is the foundation of a sales relationship. Trust takes time, effort, honesty and hard work for clients to feel comfortable with your delivery. Even in your career, moving up at work takes the ability to build trust and sell yourself to future managers or employers. Here are some tips from the experts at Cydcor for building trust in your professional life. 1. Get […]

February 14, 2014

How to Be More Professional

professional cydcor

Professionalism is a way of behaving in a business or work setting that shows others you are reliable, knowledgeable and authoritative.  At Cydcor, we pride ourselves in instilling top standards of professionalism for our team members, especially when they are in the field representing clients.  Cydcor team members love to have fun at work but also know that basic professional behavior is a key to success. Many employers refer to professionalism as “employability skills” or simply technical and verbal skills.  […]